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You are in a room with a toothbrush

Posted: October 24th, 2020, 3:07 pm
by AsleepInYorkshire
I want to make a suggestion, if I may please. This isn't a puzzle, game or riddle. It is, however, a suggestion of what I believe some of you would genuinely enjoy.

A computer game which is effectively a puzzle and a riddle. And it's very very good.

It's an old game. When it was first released it was a huge seller and I can understand why.

The game is called Myst. Like all successful games it was followed by a number of sequels including Riven.

There's no shooting or building. There's no speed of mouse gameplay. It's far better than that.

The first game I played in the series was Riven.

With the exception of Myst (original) all of the games are available on Steam for very modest prices ranging from £3.99 upwards. I think the original Myst is being rebuilt and will be released soon.

The games are addictive if you like solving puzzles.

If you've never played a computer game before try not to let this put you off. These games are really very simple and intuitive and the puzzles are built on "logic". They will test you very well.

I titled this post "you are in a room with a toothbrush". These games take that original gaming model to a superb level.


Re: You are in a room with a toothbrush

Posted: October 25th, 2020, 1:42 pm
by redsturgeon
I have played Myst and found it quite challenging and also beautifully haunting.

I never completed it!


Re: You are in a room with a toothbrush

Posted: October 25th, 2020, 2:02 pm
by ReformedCharacter
My son, who works as an environment artist for games companies, recommended 'The Rapture' and 'Gris' for those who enjoy games of the calmer variety. I haven't played 'The Rapture' myself but my OH thoroughly enjoyed it, likewise 'Gris' although she hasn't completed it.

This is a preview of the game my son has been working on for Rocksteady, a Warner Brothers subsidiary, for a younger audience presumably and maybe a bit of an eye-opener for older folk like myself: