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Re: Dark mode /alternative colours

Posted: January 2nd, 2022, 11:19 pm
by gryffron
Lootman wrote:I think the warning idea is great but it seems to only work patchily.
Meaning that sometimes I am notified prior to submitting that there is an intervening post, and sometimes I am not warned. I have not figured out or noticed why it works some times but not other other times. But I would prefer that it worked either 100% of the time or 0% of the time, rather than it be unpredictably hit and miss.

I think it only works once. You get ONE single notification EITHER when you submit or preview. So if you preview a dozen times, only one of them will show the intervening post. And of course you expect to have to submit after preview, so when previewing you’re even less likely to notice the warning of the intervening post.


Re: Dark mode /alternative colours

Posted: January 3rd, 2022, 3:53 pm
by UncleEbenezer
Lootman wrote:
Bouleversee wrote:The only thing I find annoying is that the warning that other posts have been made since I started typing mine is only visible after I have submitted my post.

I think the warning idea is great but it seems to only work patchily.

Meaning that sometimes I am notified prior to submitting that there is an intervening post, and sometimes I am not warned. I have not figured out or noticed why it works some times but not other other times. But I would prefer that it worked either 100% of the time or 0% of the time, rather than it be unpredictably hit and miss.

The sometimes you are not warned is an illusion. The posts you weren't warned of were made before you started typing, and can be seen in the topic view below your composition window. In some cases they might (also) be older, but in the next page of posts if you didn't already check that.

The posts you are warned of are those that genuinely happened after you hit the button to reply.