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Re: Landline only telephone costs

Posted: June 28th, 2023, 12:13 pm
by ReformedCharacter
Laughton wrote:
What a nightmare. This process started 11 weeks ago and I seemingly got caught in a doom loop centred around BT sales department insisting that there was no telephone line at the property but them not being prepared to offer any further explantion (including how I was able to be calling them at the time from the number and property in question).

That rings a bell with me :) I had a similar problem when trying to port my landline number to Sipgate. Openreach rejected the transfer because my address didn't match the address that Openreach had in their database for the number. That took a frustrating number of calls to BT and I found out that you really cannot reach Openreach by phone.


Re: Landline only telephone costs

Posted: June 28th, 2023, 1:24 pm
by DrFfybes
Laughton wrote:It was only thanks to the Moderators at the BT Community site who looked into this and explained that the telephone number was registed on the Openreach database at a different property and that this information needed to be corrected at the request of the neighbour's current "supplier".

Finally managed to do that and then everything went fairly smoothly.

Congratulations - well done for persevering.

These 'databases' are a PITA - our gas meter MPAN was wrong when we moved, and it was duting Covid so nobody would visit (even though the meter is outside in a cupboard) and once they did accept numerous photos they couldn't update the system until they went back to the office "as no new meters going in so we don't need remote access to that system".
