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Pension fund comparisons

Posted: May 17th, 2022, 10:46 am
by Wuffle
You may all be aware of what I am about to highlight, maybe not.
I should have been, though really I haven' t given a monkeys before so probably just filtered it out.

I have just started a new job and it comes with the standard auto enrolment.
Inquisitive, I found out that the provider was 'The Peoples Pension', who I had never heard of but apparently they are one of the larger providers.
I already had a NEST one from some temporary work with an earth shattering 500 quid in it and a HL SIPP with a few grand in it from a burst of enthusiasm years ago.

Now to the point.
While casually messing with the Hargreaves Lansdown Fund 'Charts and Performance' tool (the one that gives you total return), I spotted that Pension Funds could be selected for comparison and lo and behold, I found mine. Well sort of, the default funds in auto enrolment are always retirement date funds, but the optional ones are present. Along with an extensive selection of other providers and funds.
The key point to note here is the ability to make total return comparisons with all manner of other investments within this feature. Only over 5 years I think which is a bit of a shortcoming for a retirement fund, but nonetheless.


Re: Pension fund comparisons

Posted: May 17th, 2022, 2:23 pm
by doug2500
Thanks for that. I've had to select the Sharia fund from NEST to get 100% equities. I'm not altogether happy as it doesn't seem right for this to be the only option for all equity. I appreciate probably not many people want that sort of allocation.