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Crystalising now or in the new tax year

Posted: February 23rd, 2024, 11:14 am
by JohnB
So, get £220k I don't need now or wait?

I crystallised and withdrew £36k of my HL SIPP last year, and have £877k left. I have a DB pension in 4 years, currently £7k, lump sum £21k. I don't need the access the money to live on, indeed the SIPP might be useful for estate planning in the long term.

If I crystallised the SIPP now, I could get a £220k lump sum, and have £20k left of my lump sum allowance. I could get some of that with recycling £2880 contributions, or just wait for just a little bit more growth.

My total pension (£36k+£877k+20*£7k) = £1053k is now very close to the £1073k LTA, should I wait until it matches it? My big worry is the 55% tax on excess growth at 75, as I reckon you'd struggle to extract the natural grown of a £660k crystalised pot fast enough.

With the abolition/possible reintroduction of the LTA, is there any difference in record keeping in doing the deed this tax year or next? I've tried reading the 22/11/23 ... owance-lta to explain how a 24/25 withdrawal might differ from a 23/24 one, and my head spins.

Re: Crystalising now or in the new tax year

Posted: February 23rd, 2024, 11:53 am
by DrFfybes
If you do some this year it means you can get 2 shots at ISA-ing it if you haven't used this year's allowance.