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On dissolving a company

Posted: October 7th, 2023, 10:32 am
by UncleEbenezer
I'm dissolving a small company through which I used to do contract work. It's been dormant the last couple of years, and no longer has a bank account.

It has one asset that has never been formally transferred to me: the domain name and associated website. I've been paying for it out of my own pocket since the company ceased actively trading, so I could easily declare that I've bought it from the company, at a price calculated from those costs. But should I go through any legal formalities? Are there any nasty legal gotchas to be aware of? Could the declaration be retrospective, perhaps dated when the bank account was closed?

Re: On dissolving a company

Posted: October 7th, 2023, 10:53 am
by BullDog
I closed a small limited company last year. Basically you file final accounts with HMRC and Companies House. Then complete form DS01. You can now do it all online and it costs £8. Paper DS01 costs £10. It's really simple and you're unlikely to have any issues doing the strike off. It's really easy. Here's the relevant web page - ... ister-ds01

Forgot to say, I would ignore the web domain etc, it's trivial. Extremely unlikely to bother anyone. You'll be informed if the tax people or anyone has an objection to you striking the company off. I would just do it. HTH.

Re: On dissolving a company

Posted: October 7th, 2023, 11:59 am
by chas49
Is the domain name listed with the registrar in your name or that of the company? If the latter, then perhaps the only formality that is required is to transfer the registration to you. IMHO that would be sufficient evidence that the company no longer has any assets at all. (As others have said, this is likely to be trivial anway, but if you want to keep the domain, you need it to be in your name rather than that of a dissolved company.)

Re: On dissolving a company

Posted: October 10th, 2023, 3:23 pm
by gryffron
Don't forget to inform HMRC of the closure explicitly. Otherwise they'll come chasing you for accounts in a couple of years. Dissolution at CompHse is NOT sufficient on its own.


Re: On dissolving a company

Posted: October 16th, 2023, 7:01 pm
by uspaul666
With some registrar's,like IONOS, it's possible to transfer domains between legal entities (two accounts) as long as they both agree. Why bring a price into it as long as you as an individual retain control of it. How would the company even be able to accept a payment anyway? I'd talk to your registrar/domain provider.