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Marking post read / new posts

Posted: November 15th, 2023, 6:34 pm
by the0ni0nking
I noticed recently when viewing the boards on my phone (and it's the same on the PC) that when I click on the "Quick Links" and then "Unread Posts" the website understandably gives a list of all the posts that I've not read.

If I click on "mark all read" and then click on "new posts" then there are still some posts showing.

So my question is - how does the site determine between "unread" and "new" - I'd have thought if I marked everything as read then it would effectively mean there are no new posts; however there are.

It's not a big issue but I just wondered how the logic works?

Re: Marking post read / new posts

Posted: November 15th, 2023, 7:48 pm
by csearle
Could it be that unread means you've never had the post in your browser window and new is based on the relative time of the post? C.

Re: Marking post read / new posts

Posted: November 15th, 2023, 8:12 pm
by mc2fool
If we RTFM we see that:

View Unread posts - Returns a list of topics containing posts which you have yet to read.
View New posts - Returns a list of topics containing posts which have been made since the last time you logged in.

Although, of course and as C points out, "unread" really means you've never had the post in your browser window; the system doesn't know if you have if you actually read it or not.

New posts however has some quirks if you don't log in and out regularly but just stay logged in (with "Remember me"). I reported that five years ago (not that I expected a fix from TLF, as it's obviously a phpBB quirk, and it's still there). See viewtopic.php?p=182839#p182839

Re: Marking post read / new posts

Posted: November 15th, 2023, 8:21 pm
by the0ni0nking
Ok, thanks for clarifying. I suspected it likely would have been asked before but didn't see anything clearly denoting a similar question on a quick inspection.

As for the RTFM acronym, I've never head of that and I've never bothered to do that as that isn't the way my brain works. :D

Re: Marking post read / new posts

Posted: November 15th, 2023, 8:24 pm
by csearle
mc2fool wrote:If we RTFM we see that:
As I read this an involuntary smile appeared. C.