seagles wrote:I know HYPTUSS is no longer being maintained but just to let those that upgrade to 11.87 that I have found during my upgrade of a small protfolio that everything seems to work fine (well all that i have used and tested that is) apart form the Tracking TAB. It no longer updates the Benchmark 1 and 2 fields and also does not add additional lines for each press of "Get prices" and "Get yields", it seems to override the last updated line (could be date dependant, willl need to check tomorrow to see if it adds a "new line").
So using "get yields" or "get prices" is currently overiding the last entry in the tracking tab. My workaround is to add figures to the first 2 columns, then it will add a "new" line next time you use either of the two "buttons".
Have "upgraded" my major spreadsheet with all my changes and everything works as previously (other than I spotted an error with one of my formula's, no idea how long that has been wrong though, fortunately I have not purchased any shares based on the figure that was wrong).
Thanks again Kiloran for all your work on this. I am now considering what to do going forward as I switched to HYPTUSS completely after you added quite a few of my "requests". Maybe I will just leave it as I no longer do much with my portfolio and what I do, currently, only affects my ITs in my SIPP and I can manage that with another spreadsheet I have. I can also manage my daughters ISA and granddaughters JISA if HYPTUSS does go "belly up" in the future, with little effort in creating a new spreadsheet (small amount of holdings and once a year addition).