Over the years, Yahoo has thrown a few tantrums, and though it still covers the same breadth of data, it now requires one web query per share... not a major disaster, but it is a bit slower. Last week it was reported that some/all fund prices were incorrectly reported in pounds instead of pence, so reliability is still questionable.
We then added the Shareprices web site as an alternative source of data. This is OK for many people, but it only covers UK shares and ETFs.
Another added option was for Fund prices, using the Financial Times as a source. Although it was intended for Funds, in practice it also provided data for shares from most global markets, ETFs, indices, bonds and exchange rates, although in a few cases there were some errors extracting the data.
Version 2.5 has cleaned this up, and the "FT Funds" sheet has been replaced by the "FT" sheet. It now extracts the share name and provides a link to the relevant FT page. If Yahoo has more problems in the future, it looks like the FT will be a credible and reliable alternative source of data.
Version 2-5 for Excel and LibreOffice is available at: https://lemonfoolfinancialsoftware.weeb ... crape.html
