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iOS Stocks app

Posted: February 19th, 2019, 11:07 pm
by dave559
Is it just me, or is the iOS Stocks app sometimes a bit erratic?

Often it seems not to be able to display graphs for certain time periods, or the data shown jumps wildly (as if inaccurate or non-accessible for several days), or sometimes seems to lack data for the most recent past few hours, or, sometimes, even days?

Is there an alternative stock ticker app for iOS that any of you might recommend instead?

Re: iOS Stocks app

Posted: February 20th, 2019, 7:57 pm
by EverybodyKnows
It is not just you - I have found it to be very hit or miss especially with regards the charts and news functions. These often do not update for long periods or are blank. Investment Trusts are a particular problem as well where you can expect little to no functionality beyond today's price.

I do not know a better option so would be interested in hearing the thoughts of others.

Re: iOS Stocks app

Posted: February 23rd, 2019, 4:45 pm
by dave559
Thanks, that's useful to know that it's not just me who has noticed problems. You would think that Apple would take more care to ensure that one of their own pre-installed apps is accurate (although I suspect that maybe the problem might be more in the data feed than in the app itself?).