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MS Money .mny Filename Change

Posted: September 14th, 2022, 6:38 pm
by darrinm
Hello Fools,

Anyone ever attempted to change the filename of their .mny MS Money File and if so how do you do it?

I'm thinking I could create a backup eg Moneybkup, then create a new .mny eg MoneyNew [in MS Money] then restore Moneybkup hoping it would preserve the name of the new file 'MoneyNew' and not that of the old name.

Any help appreciated.



Re: MS Money .mny Filename Change

Posted: September 15th, 2022, 9:08 am
by djpeck1
I have done this before and it's quite straightforward.

Firstly create a copy of your current money file (just in case anything goes wrong!) using Windows Explorer or a CMD prompt. i.e. copy MoneyCurrentFile.mny to MoneyBackup.mny

Then using Windows Explorer or a CMD prompt rename the current money file to the new name. i.e. rename MoneyCurrentFile.mny to MoneyNewFile.mny

That's all you need to do. Remember to make sure that the file isn't open in MS Money before you carry out the above.

To make MS Money open the renamed file by default just double click it and MS Money will then open the renamed file and do so in the future.


Re: MS Money .mny Filename Change

Posted: September 15th, 2022, 11:07 am
by darrinm
Thanks djpeck1, just done it and worked a treat!

Thanks again fella!