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Re: Things that make you go oooh thread....

Posted: March 14th, 2023, 4:37 pm
by Tedx
No, it's underground.

I've had 3 visits. The first one had a ground scanner thing and opened up BT hatches in the pavement. The second was a 'soft dig' team who located the duct going into my house, dug a hole in one of the missus' borders and installed a grey box on the outside. The 3rd guy (today) installed the box on the inside of the house and completed the connection. So a bit of a faff, but that's it now (according to the BT engineer).

Re: Things that make you go oooh thread....

Posted: March 14th, 2023, 4:39 pm
by Tedx
It's actually not running at the 165mb 'guaranteed minimum' (I went for Full Fibre Up to 300mb).

It's only the first hour or 2, so I'll wait for it to settle down.

{Edit} So it looks like I ordered the 145mb! :D

Ach well. What a muppet eh?

Re: Things that make you go oooh thread....

Posted: March 14th, 2023, 9:27 pm
by scotia
Tedx wrote:No, it's underground.

I've had 3 visits. The first one had a ground scanner thing and opened up BT hatches in the pavement. The second was a 'soft dig' team who located the duct going into my house, dug a hole in one of the missus' borders and installed a grey box on the outside. The 3rd guy (today) installed the box on the inside of the house and completed the connection. So a bit of a faff, but that's it now (according to the BT engineer).

Thanks for the info. I have been tempted to go full fibre - but I don't want to be the first in our row of houses to start a rash of overhead cables from a Telephone pole. I haven't seen any activity around our BT hatches.

Re: Things that make you go oooh thread....

Posted: March 16th, 2023, 7:17 pm
by Tedx
It's good to see mass protests happening in other countries.

Re: Things that make you go oooh thread....

Posted: March 17th, 2023, 4:51 am
by pje16
Tedx wrote:It's good to see mass protests happening in other countries.

from that article
The reform will raise the retirement age in France from 62 to 64 - and there have been protests for weeks over it

the crass stupidity of the masses never fails to baffle me

Re: Things that make you go oooh thread....

Posted: March 17th, 2023, 5:29 am
by servodude
pje16 wrote:
Tedx wrote:It's good to see mass protests happening in other countries.

from that article
The reform will raise the retirement age in France from 62 to 64 - and there have been protests for weeks over it

the crass stupidity of the masses never fails to baffle me
Wait till you see what they were saying about that football guy who's read history!

Re: Things that make you go oooh thread....

Posted: March 22nd, 2023, 2:01 pm
by Tedx
From today's local paper

An Aberdeen rugby fan’s dream trip to the Melrose Sevens has turned into a nightmare – after he accidentally booked a campsite more than 10,000 miles away.

Dave Walker wanted to treat his wife to a weekend in the Scottish Borders in their new Volkswagen camper van – and take in a major rugby sevens tournament at the same time.

But instead of booking a campsite in the Borders town, the 54-year-old reserved a hook-up in Melrose, Australia.

Accountant Mr Walker did not realise his mistake until he got the invoice for his reservation in Australian dollars.

haha. Fanny.


GPs could prescribe exercise classes and art therapy instead of pills to help plug £49 million Aberdeen budget gap

Ok, look. I get it that exercise makes you healthier, but c'mon Doc a pill is just so much easier.....


Aberdeen woman ‘drawing blood’ for residents by getting second care home tattoo to raise funds


Holy sh*t.

Re: Things that make you go oooh thread....

Posted: March 22nd, 2023, 3:37 pm
by doolally
Tedx wrote:Aberdeen woman ‘drawing blood’ for residents by getting second care home tattoo to raise funds
Holy sh*t.

What a brilliant idea. Get Sunak, Braverman, Hunt and all the other MPs to get tattoos to raise funds to clear the national debt, pay NHS staff more, etc.
Why didn't we think of that earlier? Such a simple idea

Re: Things that make you go oooh thread....

Posted: March 24th, 2023, 9:33 am
by swill453
Just another Rightmove ad, yeah? Make sure you watch the video.


Re: Things that make you go oooh thread....

Posted: March 24th, 2023, 10:07 am
by Tedx
'The road is near'

Cheezus wept, it's like one of those houses where the owner refused to move so they built the motorway around the house.

I once 'slept' in a ten pound a night Travelodge right next to a desolate motorway somewhere in Scotlands central belt. My head was literally feet away from the huge lorries thundering by. It was ten pounds for a reason.

Re: Things that make you go oooh thread....

Posted: March 25th, 2023, 7:16 pm
by Tedx
Oooh. A ghostie. First one for a long time.

Re: Things that make you go oooh thread....

Posted: March 26th, 2023, 10:38 am
by bungeejumper
Tedx wrote:'The road is near'

Cheezus wept, it's like one of those houses where the owner refused to move so they built the motorway around the house.

What did I miss? All I got was some housewife superstar crooning her way through a very shaky hand-held video that had clearly been shot by somebody with a very shaky hand. :lol:

Made me feel totally seasick - thank goodness she didn't send the camera lens down the bog, because it seemed to go everywhere else, worse luck.

Still, I'd guess that Watling Street has more ghosts than most?

Which reminds me. The last time we were house-hunting, some thirty years ago, an agent sent us out to view some nice old biddy's house which turned out to be quite literally wedged between the central crash barriers of the main dual carriageway down from Salisbury Plain. Yes, she'd refused to be bought out by the road builders, and this was the result. Worse, she was waiting for us in what was presumably supposed to be her garden, choked by the deafening stench and racket of passing juggernauts in both directions.

Naughty agent for omitting such a detail. So no, we didn't buy it. Got back into the car and skedaddled PDQ. Just as well, because the next time we drove down the road a cruise missile carrier came the other way. The dual carriageway was part of the rapid dispersal system for moving live nukes around the country. That would have been all we needed, being on Vladimir Putin's primary target list. :(


Re: Things that make you go oooh thread....

Posted: March 27th, 2023, 12:48 pm
by Tedx
Ooooh x 2


Re: Things that make you go oooh thread....

Posted: March 30th, 2023, 1:23 pm
by Tedx
BRITONS have advised Amsterdam that if they want only sober, respectable tourists perhaps lacing the city with cannabis and whores was a mistake.

I was kinda thinking the same thing myself! ... 0330233402

Re: Things that make you go oooh thread....

Posted: April 4th, 2023, 2:18 pm
by Tedx
[img]Finland's accession is a setback for Russia's Vladimir Putin, who repeatedly complained of Nato's expansion before his full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

The length of Russia's border with Nato member states has now doubled.[/img]

:D Putin = fanny.

Re: Things that make you go oooh thread....

Posted: April 4th, 2023, 5:18 pm
by Leothebear
Tedx wrote:[img]Finland's accession is a setback for Russia's Vladimir Putin, who repeatedly complained of Nato's expansion before his full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

The length of Russia's border with Nato member states has now doubled.[/img]

:D Putin = fanny.

Putin is obviously ignorant of Aesop's fable:

The Wind and the Sun
A dispute once arose between the wind and the sun, which was the stronger of the two, and they agreed to put the point upon this issue, that whichever soonest made a traveler take off his cloak should be accounted the more powerful.

The Wind began, and blew with all his might and main a blast, cold and fierce as a Thracian storm; but the stronger he blew the closer the traveler wrapped his cloak around him, and the tighter he grasped it with his hands.

Then broke out the Sun. With his welcome beams he dispersed the vapor and the cold; the traveler felt the genial warmth, and as the Sun shone brighter and brighter, he sat down, overcome with the heat, and cast his cloak on the ground.

Thus the Sun was declared the conqueror, and it has ever been deemed that persuasion is better than force; and that the sunshine of a kind and gentle manner will sooner lay open a poor man's heart than all the threatening and force of blustering authority.

ps A fanny has a use....

Re: Things that make you go oooh thread....

Posted: April 4th, 2023, 6:24 pm
by Tedx
ps A fanny has a use....

A pencil sharpener.

Re: Things that make you go oooh thread....

Posted: April 5th, 2023, 10:09 am
by Tedx
Boris Johnson.....Donald Trump....and now Sturgeon's husband Peter Morrell.

My we're fairly draining the swamp

Re: Things that make you go oooh thread....

Posted: April 6th, 2023, 5:21 am
by servodude
Tedx wrote:Boris Johnson.....Donald Trump....and now Sturgeon's husband Peter Morrell.

My we're fairly draining the swamp

Would it be inappropriate to suggest that for the last in the list a period at His Majesty's pleasure might be a respite ;)

Anyways what's with the position agin swamps?
There's a unique pleasure in using a boat that combines a tea-tray and a hairdrier to propel oneself!


Re: Things that make you go oooh thread....

Posted: April 13th, 2023, 7:33 pm
by DiamondEcho
pje16 wrote:the crass stupidity of the masses never fails to baffle me

As every Brit knows the French have been revolting for a thousand years :)