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Re: The End of the world

Posted: February 17th, 2019, 4:03 pm
by Slarti
Unless the asteroid is closer to the size of the Moon, or going very, very fast, those are just the end of humans. The world will recover, given time.


Re: The End of the world

Posted: February 17th, 2019, 4:54 pm
by gryffron
I don't think any of those would mean the end of humanity. We are remarkably adaptable and even with only basic tools can survive in almost every extreme of climate which this planet can currently throw at us. But any of them could catastrophically reduce our numbers. Which wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing in the grand scheme of existence.

All those films have survivors don't they?


Re: The End of the world

Posted: February 17th, 2019, 5:18 pm
by Slarti
Snorvey wrote:Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (Alien Invasion) had one survivor. Pretty close!

but it was the end of the world, what with total demolition.

Oh, and there were 2 survivors, plus the dolphins. :D


Re: The End of the world

Posted: February 17th, 2019, 5:24 pm
by gryffron
Two survivors in Hitchhikers. Arthur & Trillian. ...and the dolphins. edit SNAP!

"I Am Legend" is a terrible film but a brilliant book. In the book the last human dies out and the zombie/vampire/mutants (humanity mk2) inherit the earth.


Re: The End of the world

Posted: February 17th, 2019, 6:05 pm
by AndyPandy
Slarti wrote:
Snorvey wrote:Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (Alien Invasion) had one survivor. Pretty close!

but it was the end of the world, what with total demolition.

Oh, and there were 2 survivors, plus the dolphins. :D


And two white mice. And Ford.

Re: The End of the world

Posted: February 17th, 2019, 6:09 pm
by Slarti
AndyPandy wrote:
Slarti wrote:
Snorvey wrote:Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (Alien Invasion) had one survivor. Pretty close!

but it was the end of the world, what with total demolition.

Oh, and there were 2 survivors, plus the dolphins. :D


And two white mice. And Ford.

But the white mice and Ford were all aliens :D


Re: The End of the world

Posted: February 17th, 2019, 7:20 pm
by stevensfo
I wasn't sure if the poll was a serious one about which catastrophe I thought most likely to happen or a tongue-in-cheek poll about which catastrophe I would prefer, i.e. rather like.

For the former, I would answer nuclear war.

For the latter, well, I think that a plague of frogs and/or locusts would keep French and Asian restaurants busy. Not so keen on boils though, especially with the additional violence when teenagers start getting mugged for their tubes of Clearasil. 8-)


Re: The End of the world

Posted: February 17th, 2019, 7:52 pm
by jfgw
stevensfo wrote:I wasn't sure if the poll was a serious one about which catastrophe I thought most likely to happen or a tongue-in-cheek poll about which catastrophe I would prefer, i.e. rather like.

The question was "Name your preferred catastrophe". I'm not sure I fancy any of them but I went for no. 3, the global pandemic, with the hope that it would be fairly quick and painless. I did consider No. 5, an alien invasion, in the hope that they would be curvatious, naked females who killed us by suffocating us between their volumptuous boobs but realised that an actual invasion would likely be less pleasant.

Snorvey wrote:10. Free film choice.

The 2006 film "Poseidon". Only a few thousand at most died but the film itself was a bigger catastrophe than any of the events listed.

Julian F. G. W.

Re: The End of the world

Posted: February 17th, 2019, 8:32 pm
by AndyPandy
Slarti wrote:
AndyPandy wrote:
Slarti wrote:
but it was the end of the world, what with total demolition.

Oh, and there were 2 survivors, plus the dolphins. :D


And two white mice. And Ford.

But the white mice and Ford were all aliens :D


I'd keep quiet if I was you :lol: .

Re: The End of the world

Posted: February 17th, 2019, 8:33 pm
by nimnarb
naked females who killed us by suffocating us between their volumptuous boobs

An Alien Invasion and suffocating from voluptious boobs or volumptious boobs.....had to think about that one. but not for long. I'm in!
Invade me.

Re: The End of the world

Posted: February 17th, 2019, 9:57 pm
by AleisterCrowley
Pandemic - the 1918 'Spanish' flu killed millions.

Re: The End of the world

Posted: February 17th, 2019, 10:08 pm
by stevensfo
jfgw wrote:
stevensfo wrote:I wasn't sure if the poll was a serious one about which catastrophe I thought most likely to happen or a tongue-in-cheek poll about which catastrophe I would prefer, i.e. rather like.

The question was "Name your preferred catastrophe". I'm not sure I fancy any of them but I went for no. 3, the global pandemic, with the hope that it would be fairly quick and painless. I did consider No. 5, an alien invasion, in the hope that they would be curvatious, naked females who killed us by suffocating us between their volumptuous boobs but realised that an actual invasion would likely be less pleasant.

Julian F. G. W.

Re. your alien invasion, I vaguely remember a British TV programme from the seventies, maybe called 'Space Maidens' about a race of pretty females intent on invading earth. Unfortunately I was a little too young to appreciate the curvatious bits and I don't think it was ever repeated.
Of course, it depends on what they would want from us, but it may not be that catastrophic. Depends on just how big these boobs are I guess. Perhaps the real reason the Rosswell incident was classified is the size of the bra they found in the flying saucer. :-)


Re: The End of the world

Posted: February 17th, 2019, 10:20 pm
by scotia
I don't think there are any survivors in Neville Shute's (1957) book "On the Beach". This was filmed (black and white) in 1959. Stanley Kramer directed Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner, Fred Astaire and Anthony Perkins.
It was remade as a television film in 2000, with a much less distinguished cast.

Re: The End of the world

Posted: February 18th, 2019, 12:40 am
by vrdiver
stevensfo wrote: I vaguely remember a British TV programme from the seventies, maybe called 'Space Maidens' about a race of pretty females intent on invading earth. Unfortunately I was a little too young to appreciate the curvatious bits and I don't think it was ever repeated.
Of course, it depends on what they would want from us, but it may not be that catastrophic. Depends on just how big these boobs are I guess. Perhaps the real reason the Rosswell incident was classified is the size of the bra they found in the flying saucer. :-)


Was it this one?
Star Maidens ... _=tt_ov_pl


Re: The End of the world

Posted: February 18th, 2019, 10:01 am
by stevensfo
vrdiver wrote:
stevensfo wrote: I vaguely remember a British TV programme from the seventies, maybe called 'Space Maidens' about a race of pretty females intent on invading earth. Unfortunately I was a little too young to appreciate the curvatious bits and I don't think it was ever repeated.
Of course, it depends on what they would want from us, but it may not be that catastrophic. Depends on just how big these boobs are I guess. Perhaps the real reason the Rosswell incident was classified is the size of the bra they found in the flying saucer. :-)

Was it this one?
Star Maidens ... _=tt_ov_pl


Yes, that's it. I still remember part of the opening scenes showed a research institute in Cambridge.

The society is ruled by the women, who of course, are all beautiful. Men are considered mentally inferior and are divided into two categories: the "adequately intelligent" who are selected by women to act as their personal "domestics" for household chores, and the remainder who are forced to perform menial labor under the supervision of female guards. The guards are attired nicely in visored helmets, boots, hot pants, and elbow-length gloves which are used to control the men through some sort of apparent force.



Re: The End of the world

Posted: February 18th, 2019, 11:22 am
by ursaminortaur
Slarti wrote:
AndyPandy wrote:
Slarti wrote:
but it was the end of the world, what with total demolition.

Oh, and there were 2 survivors, plus the dolphins. :D


And two white mice. And Ford.

But the white mice and Ford were all aliens :D


So were all the humans really since they were descendents of the Golgafrincham passengers/crew of the B Ark. The real earth humans dying out in the stone age.

Re: The End of the world

Posted: February 18th, 2019, 11:49 am
by brightncheerful
Men so scared of talking to women just in case…
leading to separate ways…
each going nowhere…
end of.

Re: The End of the world

Posted: February 18th, 2019, 1:32 pm
by UncleEbenezer
brightncheerful wrote:Men so scared of talking to women just in case…
leading to separate ways…
each going nowhere…
end of.

That's basically just the West. And even within the West it's a class thing.

And western women - or at least the man-eaters among them - have a solution. Sperm banks. We chaps need womb banks to achieve equality there.

Re: The End of the world

Posted: February 18th, 2019, 5:30 pm
by stewamax
UncleEbenezer wrote:We chaps need womb banks to achieve equality

Or more precisely free-range eggs - since sowing wild oats will now be verboten.

Re: The End of the world

Posted: February 18th, 2019, 6:21 pm
by sg31
UncleEbenezer wrote:
brightncheerful wrote:Men so scared of talking to women just in case…
leading to separate ways…
each going nowhere…
end of.

That's basically just the West. And even within the West it's a class thing.

And western women - or at least the man-eaters among them - have a solution. Sperm banks. We chaps need womb banks to achieve equality there.

At present they still need men to produce the sperm. We should go on strike or at least take the matter into our own hands so to speak. :lol: