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New here

Posted: October 18th, 2021, 1:30 pm
by plaguedbyfoibles
Thought I'd introduce myself.

I'm in my late twenties, am of mixed race, and live and work in London as a web developer.

I did not attend university, opting to pursue the apprenticeship route instead, but over the last few years have focused on becoming more well versed in other matters, including politics, economics and personal finance.

However, I believe that my knowledge of personal finance leaves a lot to be desired, hence why I have taken the decision to join this forum and converse and meaningfully engage with all you lovely folk.

Pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Re: New here

Posted: October 18th, 2021, 2:09 pm
by Gostevie

There are some very knowledgeable and helpful people here. I hope you find it useful.

Very best wishes,


Re: New here

Posted: October 18th, 2021, 2:20 pm
by csearle
Welcome to The Lemon Fool!

How do I Invest might be a useful place to ask questions.


Re: New here

Posted: October 18th, 2021, 3:35 pm
by AsleepInYorkshire
Welcome Fool :)

I am in my late fifties, have no idea what I've done for the last 30 years and my knowledge of personal finance is reasonably good. I know I'm poor so I don't spend too much :lol:

When you're developing webs do you find any issues with the elasticity of the silk or do you use a cheaper man made substance?

Relevant in most things ;)

Re: New here

Posted: October 18th, 2021, 3:52 pm
by AleisterCrowley
Hi, and welcome!

In addition to the chat on these boards, I'd recommend Monevator for the investing articles

Re: New here

Posted: October 18th, 2021, 4:14 pm
by nimnarb
Welcome Plagued. You have joined a great forum of immense knowledge on all things. Look around lots to see and learn. Best to you. Bran.

Re: New here

Posted: October 23rd, 2021, 10:36 am
by plaguedbyfoibles
Hi all, thanks for the warm words thus far.

Looking forward to expanding my knowledge.

I feel obliged to provide some context as to how I found this site.

I was looking for information on then Chancellor of the Exchequer, Roy Jenkins, levying a one year capital gains tax of 136% in 1968, and thus found

Re: New here

Posted: October 23rd, 2021, 11:11 am
by monabri
That's a link to the HYP board. I think that is the "wrong" place for someone in their late twenties to be starting. I believe you should be looking for an investment strategy where your assets are likely to grow in value over the next 30+ years and are as cheap to manage as possible. I would suggest

1. Having a look at the Passive Investing board on this forum.

2. Have a peruse of the "bogleheads" forums ( there's a wiki page from which you can follow links to the Bogleheads forum...which happens to look pretty similar in layout to The Lemon Fool)

Establish a bedrock of investment in a tax sheltered environment in a collective of shares before trying to buy individual shares. I would start with a World Tracker fund ( Vanguard, HSBC, others available) and then consider the best way to shelter your funds from tax.
I'd also drip feed in money on a regular basis.

Trying to cherry pick individual stocks is pretty downright (financially) dangerous - hence the suggestion of the use of collective investment funds.

Re: New here

Posted: October 23rd, 2021, 9:11 pm
by plaguedbyfoibles
monabri wrote:That's a link to the HYP board. I think that is the "wrong" place for someone in their late twenties to be starting. I believe you should be looking for an investment strategy where your assets are likely to grow in value over the next 30+ years and are as cheap to manage as possible. I would suggest

1. Having a look at the Passive Investing board on this forum.

2. Have a peruse of the "bogleheads" forums ( there's a wiki page from which you can follow links to the Bogleheads forum...which happens to look pretty similar in layout to The Lemon Fool)

Establish a bedrock of investment in a tax sheltered environment in a collective of shares before trying to buy individual shares. I would start with a World Tracker fund ( Vanguard, HSBC, others available) and then consider the best way to shelter your funds from tax.
I'd also drip feed in money on a regular basis.

Trying to cherry pick individual stocks is pretty downright (financially) dangerous - hence the suggestion of the use of collective investment funds.

Yeah, my plan is to invest in ETFs through Vanguard as part of my S&S ISA.

I was initially looking at Trading 212 in order to do this, but ever since the GME saga, they've put a pause on new signups.

Also, I didn't say I was pursuing a HYP focused investment strategy, just that I was giving some context as to how I found this site in the first place.

Thanks for the link, I have heard of them before, will take a look.

Did not mention looking at purchasing individual shares though.