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Investment Trust Dividend Monitor (March 2021)

Posted: April 28th, 2021, 11:37 am
by Itsallaguess
I see that Link Group are now publishing an 'Investment Trust Dividend Monitor', similar to the single-share Dividend Monitor that they've released for some time now.

I've linked to the online income-IT-related PDF itself below, but one set of charts in the publication that I found particularly interesting was where they show just how well income-IT's have generally held up over the last year -


Of course, for those of us who use income-IT's as part of our income-investment strategies, it'll be interesting to see how any prolonged company-level issues can be soaked up by the remaining revenue-reserves of our Investment Trust holdings, but certainly in the short to medium term, it looks like our income-IT's are generally 'doing what they say on the tin', and continuing to make use of their revenue safety-nets to help provide income-investors with a smooth and generally uninterrupted flow of dividends...

The March 2021 'Investment Trust Dividend Monitor' PDF, containing wider commentary on this and other interesting income-IT-related issues, can be read here -



Re: Investment Trust Dividend Monitor (March 2021)

Posted: April 28th, 2021, 9:53 pm
by MDW1954
Thanks for this, IAAG.

I wasn't aware of it. A really useful-looking resource! Thank you.
