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Can Aston Martin Survive the next 12 months

Posted: May 17th, 2020, 4:33 pm
by InvestUK98
If they can - surely the risk to reward is worth it. Whilst Corona has hurt them it has also helped them. The new team has been given time to make changes while their rivals have had to lockdown. I think in the long-term Corona will prove beneficial to AM

Re: Can Aston Martin Survive the next 12 months

Posted: May 17th, 2020, 5:11 pm
by dealtn
InvestUK98 wrote:If they can - surely the risk to reward is worth it. Whilst Corona has hurt them it has also helped them. The new team has been given time to make changes while their rivals have had to lockdown. I think in the long-term Corona will prove beneficial to AM

Can you expand on "Whilst Corona has hurt them it has also helped them" and " I think in the long-term Corona will prove beneficial to AM" please?

I would love to be educated and hear an argument why you think this is a good "Share idea".

I appreciate this is your first post, but should you wish to engage debate, or propose a reason to invest here, your brevity isn't helping your cause.

Re: Can Aston Martin Survive the next 12 months

Posted: May 17th, 2020, 5:43 pm
by InvestUK98
Could have worded it better. What I meant is that prior to Corona Aston Martin were heavily in debt and struggling to sell cars and had a new team coming in who jad a baptism of fire. Over the last three months cars sales had declined. Had it not been for Corona during this period cars would have been sold with Aston Martin selling very few (based on previous few months). Also, staff being furloughed has cut costs. This has given the new team time more breathing space. When the car sales start growing again Aston Martin would benefit from the time they have had to plan. Also, in that time potential sales to rivals did not take place. In the next 6 months Aston Martin will have a chance to attract customers who they would have missed out on had it not been for Corona. Also, the biggest car market for next few months will be China - a important market to AM

Re: Can Aston Martin Survive the next 12 months

Posted: May 17th, 2020, 5:59 pm
by dealtn
Well at 30p its certainly got what might be termed "option" value.

The Balance Sheet is certainly healthier post the Rights Issue, and confidence doesn't appear to be lacking from the Billionaire Lance Stroll. Having all China dealers open is better than them being shut, but I'm not sure it's worth my time investigating further on what looks like a punt, not an investment.

Happy for you to try and convince me otherwise.

Re: Can Aston Martin Survive the next 12 months

Posted: May 19th, 2020, 10:06 am
by AdamSouthwark
I bought some - purely speculatively - as after selling lots of shares I just could not stand sitting on so much cash (most sold at a loss I must admit).
My reasoning here is the value of the brand is worth more than want the shares are trading atm. So I will be hoping for a bounce back in this coronavirus market or failing that (this year) for a potential buyer (next year?). In any case I will wait.

Re: Can Aston Martin Survive the next 12 months

Posted: May 19th, 2020, 10:11 am
by dealtn
AdamSouthwark wrote:I bought some - purely speculatively - as after selling lots of shares I just could not stand sitting on so much cash (most sold at a loss I must admit).
My reasoning here is the value of the brand is worth more than want the shares are trading atm. So I will be hoping for a bounce back in this coronavirus market or failing that (this year) for a potential buyer (next year?). In any case I will wait.

You are aware this has gone bust numerous times already?

The brand survives but the company, and its shares became worthless.

Re: Can Aston Martin Survive the next 12 months

Posted: May 19th, 2020, 10:17 am
by AdamSouthwark
Oh, so failing to make a speculative profit I can forget waiting for a buyer? I would think they still would need to offer to buy circulating shares...Hm thank you for the warning, Sir.
I most probably back out ASAP and try other roller-coaster ride like TUI which I was eyeing for the same purpose...

Re: Can Aston Martin Survive the next 12 months

Posted: May 19th, 2020, 10:26 am
by dealtn
AdamSouthwark wrote:Oh, so failing to make a speculative profit I can forget waiting for a buyer? I would think they still would need to offer to buy circulating shares...Hm thank you for the warning, Sir.
I most probably back out ASAP and try other roller-coaster ride like TUI which I was eyeing for the same purpose...

My sarcasm filter has never been great so I can't tell if you are serious or not.

Hard to see how "I can wait" goes to "I most probably back out ASAP" in 11 minutes unless you are being sarcastic though so assume you must be.

Good luck with your "investment" though, hope it works for you, but too speculative for me at the moment.

Re: Can Aston Martin Survive the next 12 months

Posted: May 19th, 2020, 10:32 am
by vagrantbrain
FWIW I think buying an Aston Martin would be a better investment for the very long term than buying shares in the maker. Phenomenal prices for some of the classics, plus you get a bit of fun driving them:

Re: Can Aston Martin Survive the next 12 months

Posted: May 19th, 2020, 10:37 am
by AdamSouthwark
Apologies :)
This is not an investment in no way. My remaining portfolio after painful pruning in April is on average 10 years old at least and most probably will acquire another 10 years. Not a speculative trader here. Just new on this board more active on iii. I assumed this is more 'fun' forum judging by the name and some threads I read.

Re: Can Aston Martin Survive the next 12 months

Posted: May 26th, 2020, 10:34 am
by AdamSouthwark
hm I have to admit that was an easiest gamble profit I have ever made :shock:
sold it today short term trading IS fun after all

Re: Can Aston Martin Survive the next 12 months

Posted: May 28th, 2020, 1:00 pm
by ReformedCharacter
An apocryphal story from the 1960s tells that when Hollywood actor Clark Gable toured the factory with David Brown, Gable announced that he would like to buy an Aston Martin, but because of the publicity value of his ownership, he wanted to pay only the cost price for his car. Brown brightened considerably, saying: "Oh, thank you very much Mr Gable, most of our customers pay £2,000 less than that." ... -assumes1/