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Refund on annual travel insurance re lockdown

Posted: July 4th, 2022, 12:04 pm
by yorkshirelad1
I have an annual travel insurance policy - which renews automatically and hasn't had a lot of use of late - but is starting to get used again. The insurer wrote to me about a year ago telling me they would be sending me a refund due to changing claims patterns and not being able to use the policy due to lockdown etc.
I have had around £100 refunded on an annual premium of around £350*, which seems a nice thing to do.
(*: the premium might not have covered much in the last couple of years, but over the years I've had it, I reckon it's a better deal than per-trip insurance, for the destinations I tend to go to, esp USA, and for the things I tend to do. I know that I'm heading for an age-related significant increase in a year or so on the travel plan, and at that point, I will be shopping around to check premiums)

(I have a health insurance plan with the same company and got a refund of £42, which was a bit more measly in comparison, but better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick).

The company in question may have three P's in its name, in case anyone's interested, but I don't particularly want to discuss the company, but it might be interesting to know if other fools have had similar refunds on their annual travel policies re covid/lockdown.