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Birmingham / Midlands investor club

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Birmingham / Midlands investor club


Postby boinggggg » February 8th, 2024, 1:37 pm

Hi all,
I'm new to the site and hope this is ok to post..

I run a value investing club in Birmingham which I started in late 2023. We meet monthly and typically get around 5-6 attendees. It's usually an informal chat but sometimes we do the occasional presentation etc.

It would be great to extend our numbers and meet others, so I thought I would share for anyone interested in the Midlands area.

I can't post a link here, but if you Google "Birmingham Value Investors Club" you will see it on Meetup with the blue/purple bull logo.

Apologies there is a small £5 fee for each meeting, just to cover the fees from Meetup (I hope to reduce this to a few pounds if numbers are consistently more than 7 or so)

Many thanks, Ben

Lemon Slice
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Re: Birmingham / Midlands investor club


Postby Padders72 » February 8th, 2024, 4:47 pm

Baggies fan eh*? That will put some more discerning Brummies off! ;)

* or possibly Zebedee of course.

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Re: Birmingham / Midlands investor club


Postby MoseleyRed » February 8th, 2024, 4:50 pm

Hi Ben,

I am based in Birmingham so this sounds good to me. I'm up for coming along.


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Re: Birmingham / Midlands investor club


Postby XFool » February 8th, 2024, 4:54 pm

MoseleyRed wrote:Hi Ben,

I am based in Birmingham so this sounds good to me. I'm up for coming along.

MoseleyRed. Well, well! Bet you don't remember The Meteor Garage. :)

Lemon Slice
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Re: Birmingham / Midlands investor club


Postby Padders72 » February 12th, 2024, 8:14 pm

XFool wrote:
MoseleyRed wrote:Hi Ben,

I am based in Birmingham so this sounds good to me. I'm up for coming along.

MoseleyRed. Well, well! Bet you don't remember The Meteor Garage. :)

I do, though it's a M&S food hall these days. I got my beer for the England rugby match in there on Sat!

The full Lemon
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Re: Birmingham / Midlands investor club


Postby XFool » February 13th, 2024, 10:36 am

Padders72 wrote:
XFool wrote:MoseleyRed. Well, well! Bet you don't remember The Meteor Garage. :)

I do, though it's a M&S food hall these days. I got my beer for the England rugby match in there on Sat!

Yes, I looked online and it was apparently only closed down about ten years or so ago. My memories of it are, err... a little further back. :shock:

I was appalled by the sight of that new block, further down the road dumped into the middle of the old buildings, which I saw on street View. But then there is also that ugly concrete thing in the middle of the main Alcester road - likely where the old grocer's, originally fishmongers, Vincents was located. But that is going back to a distant era.

As I always like to tell people: "I was born in Sorrento"

Which I was - it says so on my original birth certificate! But that was, of course, the old, closed Sorrento Maternity Hospital on Wake Green Road.

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