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Re: A nice surprise

Posted: November 16th, 2021, 8:22 am
by stevensfo
DrFfybes wrote:
Sunnypad wrote:Paul
So sorry you are dealing with this on top of everything

it sounds like you bank with the same bank as your mum?

I'm about to post some queries myself on the nightmare of digital. I am starting to think my mum and sister were clever in refusing to engage with any of it.

The same bank, except my paying in book says "Williams and Glyn". Her statement folder says "Williams Deacon". TBH their service has declines dramatically in the last few years, but it was easier dealing with mum's stuff under PoA having one login. Ive just opened a Lloyds account this afternoon (went into branch with ID, got home to emails with all the info telling me it was ready to use). I could have opened it all online, had I had a smartphone to take a selfie to verify my scanned photo ID.

Digital is fine, as long as you keep paper backups :)


I have to admit to being a bit paranoid about 'any' document that may be important at some stage, so tend to keep scanned pdfs as well as the hard copy. The pdfs can also be copied to our Outlook OneDrive (or any cloud storage) for easy access anywhere in the world.

My mum doesn't 'do' digital and has lots of paper records going back over 30 years! On a recent tidying up exercise, I discovered letters from 1980 when my late father was suing the electricity company for the grand sum of 20 quid. Not sure if he persisted, but he used to make Basil Fawlty look like an angel! 8-)
