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Lemon Slice
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Postby mtk62 » January 17th, 2025, 8:11 am

Colombian tree frog found by Sheffield florist highlights invasive species threat

Dr Silviu Petrovan, a researcher in the University of Cambridge’s zoology department and a senior author of a paper published today in the journal BioScience, had his interest piqued when he was asked to identify a live frog found in roses in a florist’s shop in Sheffield.

He initially thought it was some kind of prank, as the frog was exotic: not a European species. Eventually, to his amazement, he realised it must have perched among the flowers all the way from Colombia via Ecuador.

Petrovan added: “The sheer volume of cut flowers and ornamental plants being traded at speed around the world makes it extremely difficult to intercept all the pests and diseases they carry. Even with the best of intentions, unwanted hitchhikers are getting through customs import checks all the time.”

Do these count as illegal immigrants? :D

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