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How one Norwegian Construction Company has Cut Co2 in a High Rise Building

Posted: May 25th, 2020, 10:42 am
by AsleepInYorkshire
Couldn't really find another board more appropriate than this. Our impact on The Natural World also includes that of global warming caused by greenhouse gases.

The World's biggest Wooden Skyscraper stands in Norway | Rising 85 meters into the sky

This at a time when several European countries including the UK are reducing timber building heights after Grenfell. This Norwegian structure made significant reductions in its Co2 footprint by not using steel or concrete.

It is estimated that cement contributes about 8% of the entire carbon emissions worldwide.

Hopefully and with time to reflect and digest we will reverse the decision to lower timber building heights from 6 to 4 storeys. Innovation, research and invention also need applying to the construction industry, not just cars and aircraft.
