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Another Tomato Question

Posted: June 22nd, 2020, 12:54 pm
by neversay
A few months back I planted tomato seeds. Most I repotted but I left one tray which now has plants that are 12-16 inches tall. Is it still safe to try and separate them out into pots or DAK if separating the intertwined roots and repotting would cause them too much distress?

Re: Another Tomato Question

Posted: June 22nd, 2020, 1:53 pm
by dealtn
neversay wrote:A few months back I planted tomato seeds. Most I repotted but I left one tray which now has plants that are 12-16 inches tall. Is it still safe to try and separate them out into pots or DAK if separating the intertwined roots and repotting would cause them too much distress?

No they'll be fine (and in less distress than the alternative)

Re: Another Tomato Question

Posted: June 22nd, 2020, 2:02 pm
by Breelander
neversay wrote:... but I left one tray which now has plants that are 12-16 inches tall. Is it still safe to try and separate them out into pots or DAK if separating the intertwined roots and repotting would cause them too much distress?

A distressed tomato plant will send out more roots from its lower stem anyway, so a little distress is no bad thing. Yours are large enough to plant out into their final pots (or into the ground if planting outside). Plant them deep, up to their first set of leaves. They'll soon have a fresh new additional root system.

Re: Another Tomato Question

Posted: June 22nd, 2020, 6:46 pm
by neversay
Thanks @breelander and @dealtn. I've got no excuse now to go and repot them!