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Yellow on bark chips in previously unopened bag

Posted: April 13th, 2022, 4:24 pm
by Clariman
Last year we created a little path in our garden covered in bark chips. We had a spare bag left over so I thought I would top it up with the unopened bag. However, when I opened it up the bark chips had a distinct yellow colour - a bit powdery perhaps. Not a bright yellow growth but more a discolouration or perhaps some kind of dry mould. Any idea what this is and whether safe to put down on the path (in between fruit bushes)? Will the colour go after a bit of rain?


Re: Yellow on bark chips in previously unopened bag

Posted: April 13th, 2022, 5:07 pm
by DrFfybes
It will be some type of mould or fungus, but whatever it is must have already been in the bag, just less of it :)

For general on a path it should be fine, it will probably not thrive in the light and weather, else the rest of the path would be covered in it. Tip it out into a pile and see if the yellow goes away.

However for immediate use around fruit bushes, particlarly soft fruits, I'd avoid it. Chances are it would be fine, but for a fiver for a new bag probably best to use it elsewhere.


Re: Yellow on bark chips in previously unopened bag

Posted: April 13th, 2022, 5:08 pm
by 88V8
They've been colonised by a mould enjoying the warm, humid closed environment of the bag ... all part of the natural decay process that will eventually see them become mulch.

Yes, no problem to use them.
The colour will wash off.
Try not to breath the mould dust.


Re: Yellow on bark chips in previously unopened bag

Posted: April 13th, 2022, 5:21 pm
by bungeejumper
Some years ago, I bought several bags of bark chips which turned out to be blue with mould when I opened them. I should have taken them back to the shop, but unfortunately I had other things to do, so I dug them into my veg patch as a soil conditioner. Never had any problems.

I don't buy stuff at that shop any more, though. :| Probably they'd rather that I'd told them about the problem?