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Easter cactus

Posted: May 13th, 2024, 12:40 pm
by mutantpoodle
More help/ advice needed

I have an easter cactus
It has been excellent each year, tho uses a different calendar tou our bank holidays

Has always had deep green leaves
This year it has turned much greyer leaves with definite maroon edges

Have i done something wrong ( not really done anything)
Have i killed it
Can i resurect it

Is all lost?

Re: Easter cactus

Posted: May 13th, 2024, 1:05 pm
by bungeejumper
Ours, which has white flowers, took forever to do its stuff this year. The flowers formed their scrunched-up preparatory petals, but they then took more than a month to open properly. We think it might have taken umbrage at the chilly weather and the lack of seasonal sunlight. I doubt that yours is in terminal trouble.

One thing they do hate is if you move them when they're just getting ready to flower. Another is if you've over-watered them. (They like to be allowed to dry right out between waterings.) Maybe check the compost for bugs?


Re: Easter cactus

Posted: May 13th, 2024, 3:15 pm
by MuddyBoots
Yes the compost is worth checking, it could be tired and depleted of nutrients. I'd suggest either feeding with a good quality houseplant fertiliser or better still repot in fresh compost. You can get specialised cactus fertiliser & compost but in any rate they like good drainage so make sure it's good and gritty, and doesn't sit with its feet in a puddle.

Re: Easter cactus

Posted: May 20th, 2024, 8:13 am
by mutantpoodle
re potted and given a good drink
all fully recovered so fast
leaves now have a shine and all look healthy

many thanks the advices