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Memorable film morsels

Posted: October 7th, 2021, 8:22 pm
by Leothebear
I give you the scene from the film Shine (underated IMV) where the autistic player startles everyone in the restaurant, where he's starting a new job, by playing "The flight of the bumble bee".

Re: Memorable film morsels

Posted: October 7th, 2021, 11:09 pm
by servodude
Leothebear wrote:I give you the scene from the film Shine (underated IMV) where the autistic player startles everyone in the restaurant, where he's starting a new job, by playing "The flight of the bumble bee".

Yup great scene!
Saw David Helfgott a few years after it was out, pretty sure it was the Queens Hall Edinburgh - it was quite something
- he was meant to be playing this week locally (but it's been postponed till March)

Not sure how underrated it was with 7 Oscar nominations (and Geoffrey Rush winning his)
- underrated would be something like Zardoz ;)

One scene I've never been able to forget (in a good way - not in an American History X "no don't do that, just don't... arrrrrghhh" way) is the dream sequence from the Big Lebowski set to "Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In)" by Kenny Rogers (and the First Division)
- it's just so... whatever it is

- sd

Re: Memorable film morsels

Posted: October 7th, 2021, 11:15 pm
by Leothebear
How about: "Who owns this $h1t hole?"

Re: Memorable film morsels

Posted: October 9th, 2021, 6:28 pm
by XFool
servodude wrote:One scene I've never been able to forget (in a good way - not in an American History X "no don't do that, just don't... arrrrrghhh" way) is the dream sequence from the Big Lebowski set to "Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In)" by Kenny Rogers (and the First Division)
- it's just so... whatever it is

Remind us - I've forgotten it. :lol:

Possibly because there are so may memorable moments from The Big Lebowski. One of my favourites is that game opponent (called "Jesus"?) posing extravagantly and ridiculously before he bowls a full strike. Actually, I think it may be one of those occasions where my memory of it may even be better than the film scene!

But I am haunted forever by a scene that I was reminded of years ago on TMF, but I have never found out what film it is from. Somebody on TMF, who themselves had it in their mind, asked what film it belonged to. They described a guy with no legs who lived on the street, moved about on a small trolley, frantically and angrily pushing his way down a US street and in and out between cars in the road, in pursuit of somebody seen in a car. I remember the exact same scene perfectly clearly to this day, but with no ability to see 'out of' the scene to recognise the film or any other identifiable actor in it. A whole variety of suggestions were made at the time by TMF posters - none came anywhere near the remembered film scene.

Re: Memorable film morsels

Posted: October 9th, 2021, 6:48 pm
by bungeejumper
XFool wrote:I am haunted forever by a scene that I was reminded of years ago on TMF, but I have never found out what film it is from. Somebody on TMF, who themselves had it in their mind, asked what film it belonged to. They described a guy with no legs who lived on the street, moved about on a small trolley, frantically and angrily pushing his way down a US street and in and out between cars in the road, in pursuit of somebody seen in a car. I remember the exact same scene perfectly clearly to this day, but with no ability to see 'out of' the scene to recognise the film or any other identifiable actor in it. A whole variety of suggestions were made at the time by TMF posters - none came anywhere near the remembered film scene.

Trading Places? . Otherwise I'd probably have to guess at Fellini. :lol:


Re: Memorable film morsels

Posted: October 9th, 2021, 6:53 pm
by XFool
bungeejumper wrote:Trading Places?

Nope! (Was suggested on TMF) A comedy - miles away from my film. Presumably from the 1970s, a crime drama, urban paranoia type film?

Re: Memorable film morsels

Posted: October 9th, 2021, 9:20 pm
by BobbyD
XFool wrote:But I am haunted forever by a scene that I was reminded of years ago on TMF, but I have never found out what film it is from. Somebody on TMF, who themselves had it in their mind, asked what film it belonged to. They described a guy with no legs who lived on the street, moved about on a small trolley, frantically and angrily pushing his way down a US street and in and out between cars in the road, in pursuit of somebody seen in a car. I remember the exact same scene perfectly clearly to this day, but with no ability to see 'out of' the scene to recognise the film or any other identifiable actor in it. A whole variety of suggestions were made at the time by TMF posters - none came anywhere near the remembered film scene.

Re: Memorable film morsels

Posted: October 9th, 2021, 10:25 pm
by XFool


I don't know for certain if it is, I'd have to see the film again to be sure. But I guess it kind of has to be because... [Yes it is]

There's a whole story here. This has got to be an illustration of how the human mind 'works', or possibly how it doesn't.

At the time of that original enquiry, by a now unknown poster, on TMF, it brought to my mind another film scene that I remembered, but again, not the film itself.

It was a scene in which a rather innocent, hippy, middle class, rooky cop was sent to report to a police station on some job. There he met a hardened, old school, black policemen and introduced himself - his first name being Beauregard. This took the black cop aback: "Beauregard? Beaure-GARD? Beau-RE-guard?!!" Then the grizzled station sergeant told the black cop he had to work with the rooky as a partner, to show him the ropes, look out for him. I have always remembered this rather hilarious scene, but little else from the film apart from in the end it somehow all goes wrong and the rooky accidentally shoots somebody innocent. But what was the film, dammit!

But here I had a way in. I 'remembered' the rooky cop was played by Bruce Dern. So I set out to check all his films to find out the one. Failure. How could that be? Another mystery... I had no idea who played the black cop in the only scene I remembered. Then I had a thought: could the black cop possibly have been played by Yaphet Kotto? Indeed he could! He was... A quick check on Yaphet Kotto's filmography confirmed this and revealed the name of the film. It also revealed the reason for my earlier failure, the rooky cop was played by Michael Moriarty not Bruce Dern. Memory again.

The name of that film? .................

Report to the Commissioner :lol:

It gets better. Only earlier this very evening I made a slight alteration to the Wikipedia page for the film Report to the Commissioner, followed by an update to Yaphet Kotto's Wikipedia page to include his role as police officer Richard 'Crunch' Blackstone, in the 1975 film Report to the Commissioner. :o

The film itself is very 1970s. One thing that people may remember about films from that era is multiple windows (very much out of fashion now - too 1970s; outside computing...). Another 70's film thing, possibly forgotten now, which I always liked at the time, is several films were produced in a 'wrapped' format - a film within a film. If memory serves(!) I believe Report to the Commissioner was 'wrapped' in this matter, presented as a Report (to the Commissioner) in which the main action of the film was retrospectively played out.

Re: Memorable film morsels

Posted: October 9th, 2021, 10:42 pm
by XFool
XFool wrote: But I guess it kind of has to be because... [Yes it is]

So thanks for that. :D

Clearly, the human mind is sometimes incapable of putting two linked things together - at least, mine is. :!:

Re: Memorable film morsels

Posted: October 9th, 2021, 10:59 pm
by BobbyD
XFool wrote:
XFool wrote: But I guess it kind of has to be because... [Yes it is]

So thanks for that. :D

Clearly, the human mind is sometimes incapable of putting two linked things together - at least, mine is. :!:

Sometimes a blank slate is the easiest place to start! It might help that I've never seen the film, or even knew of its existence until I read your post. It just looked too solvable. 2 minutes on google and voila...


Re: Memorable film morsels

Posted: October 9th, 2021, 11:29 pm
by XFool
BobbyD wrote:Sometimes a blank slate is the easiest place to start! It might help that I've never seen the film, or even knew of its existence until I read your post. It just looked too solvable. 2 minutes on google and voila...

Well, I spent rather more than two minutes and wasn't able to find it. What terms did you use for the search?

Re: Memorable film morsels

Posted: October 9th, 2021, 11:50 pm
by XFool
... OK. "film 1970s crime drama legless man on trolley" gets it.

I give up. :(

Re: Memorable film morsels

Posted: October 9th, 2021, 11:55 pm
by BobbyD
XFool wrote:
BobbyD wrote:Sometimes a blank slate is the easiest place to start! It might help that I've never seen the film, or even knew of its existence until I read your post. It just looked too solvable. 2 minutes on google and voila...

Well, I spent rather more than two minutes and wasn't able to find it. What terms did you use for the search?

Nothing exotic, there's a number of threads trying to identify the same clip, turned one of those up in which somebody had solved the mystery. If it came out 15 years later google would probably have been more direct use, but often finding the same question elsewhere is as good as the answer.

Re: Memorable film morsels

Posted: October 9th, 2021, 11:58 pm
by BobbyD
XFool wrote:... OK. "film 1970s crime drama legless man on trolley" gets it.

I give up. :(

trolley would have been a good search term, didn't think of that

Re: Memorable film morsels

Posted: October 10th, 2021, 12:03 am
by XFool
The Conversation - Now there's another favourite of mine.

A film where psychological interpretation and (mis)understanding is a key plot device.

Re: Memorable film morsels

Posted: October 10th, 2021, 12:07 am
by XFool
BobbyD wrote:trolley would have been a good search term, didn't think of that

Google is very literal. When I tried it earlier I just got lots of details and pictures of men with shopping trolleys...

Re: Memorable film morsels

Posted: October 10th, 2021, 12:12 am
by BobbyD
XFool wrote:
BobbyD wrote:trolley would have been a good search term, didn't think of that

Google is very literal. When I tried it earlier I just got lots of details and pictures of men with shopping trolleys...

There was a similar enquiry on a different forum many years ago when Google was nowhere near as good as it is now. Solved that with google, and Ive found it to be quite good at identifying films, books songs etc. ever since.