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RRR. Best film of the year!

Posted: June 13th, 2022, 2:51 am
by nimnarb
One critic said RRR stands for Really Really Ridiculous but an insanely fun blockbuster film. He is right, eat your heart out Marvel Superheroes, this is over three hours long, and I didn't want it to end. Just have a breather occasionally. Bollywood has taken over and then some.

Based around the British colonization of India in the 1920s. Two chaps on a mission. I tend not to do reviews in detail as sure you can look them up if needed, but this is an epic and truly is a blockbuster of a film with a great storyline as well. It has it all!

Not to be missed imho. 9/10.

Re: RRR. Best film of the year!

Posted: June 13th, 2022, 2:53 am
by nimnarb
Sorry, forgot to add, it's on Netflix.

Re: RRR. Best film of the year!

Posted: June 28th, 2022, 12:15 pm
by zico
I'd never have watched this if I hadn't seen your post, so thanks very much. Great fun and entertainment, which we managed to watch in a single sitting. Best summed up as a Bollywood superhero film, only a few dance/song sections, which fitted in well. It's over the top, but it does make its own internal consistency, which is what's important for a film.

Shocking anti-English bias though, nary a mention of the civil service or the railway network!
Was amused to see a bit near the end, showing a plaque that said "The sun never sets on the English empire". Presumably they didn't want to offend potential Welsh, Scottish or Irish viewers.