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Message from HMRC

Grumpy Old Lemons Like You
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Message from HMRC


Postby XFool » December 30th, 2024, 5:25 pm

Had an email from HMRC about a new online message (exciting!) "As you have opted to receive messages online".

Logged on, one message. Clicked on message, it says I have a new statement! Clicked link to see statement:

View statements
You do not have any statement information to view.


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Re: Message from HMRC


Postby JohnB » December 30th, 2024, 5:48 pm

Content free messages are exactly what I'd expect from HMRC. I'm going to ensure they continue to write to me, perhaps they'll take more care then

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Re: Message from HMRC


Postby mtk62 » January 2nd, 2025, 7:24 am

They were 10 days late paying the tax rebates to AJBell (all of it - millions!).
If we are a day late it's a £100 fine. :o
Somehow I don't see us getting lost interest back. :(

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Re: Message from HMRC


Postby Gerry557 » January 2nd, 2025, 9:58 am

File a complaint about the missing message :lol:

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Re: Message from HMRC


Postby scrumpyjack » January 2nd, 2025, 10:39 am

It often happens that statements are not ready for at least a week after you get the message.

HMRC's computer systems are really atrocious. There are still a number of pages of the full SA Return that you cannot fill in on line, even though all the commercial packages deal with them, and it is still impossible to file an SA return online for a child because a child cannot register for the online service, so you have to file a paper return. My daughter did that in mid October for my grandchildren. They then tried to fine her for not sending it in by 31/10 and failed to scan some of the pages so their assessment was wrong. Then when she eventually spoke to them, their computer system was down so they couldn't deal with it

Unbelievable incompetence. It would be better to privatise it!

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Re: Message from HMRC


Postby UncleEbenezer » January 2nd, 2025, 11:10 am

scrumpyjack wrote:Unbelievable incompetence. It would be better to privatise it!

You think privatisation might be on the Horizon?

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Re: Message from HMRC


Postby didds » January 2nd, 2025, 11:14 am

scrumpyjack wrote: It would be better to privatise it!

what could POSSIBLY go wrong?

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Re: Message from HMRC


Postby mtk62 » January 2nd, 2025, 11:40 am

scrumpyjack wrote: HMRC's computer systems are really atrocious.

At my previous company one of my colleagues did a lot of work for HMRC.
He said they probably spend more on the computer systems than anybody else in the country! :(
Though you'd never be able to tell.

I'm still awaiting an adjustment to my tax code for SIPP payments - since the start of tax year 2024!
The last communication I supplied them the start of August.

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Re: Message from HMRC


Postby scrumpyjack » January 2nd, 2025, 11:47 am

mtk62 wrote:
scrumpyjack wrote: HMRC's computer systems are really atrocious.

At my previous company one of my colleagues did a lot of work for HMRC.
He said they probably spend more on the computer systems than anybody else in the country! :(
Though you'd never be able to tell.

I'm still awaiting an adjustment to my tax code for SIPP payments - since the start of tax year 2024!
The last communication I supplied them the start of August.

Just subcontract the whole self assessment thing to the team at TaxCalc. Then it would cover everything and work!

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Re: Message from HMRC


Postby XFool » January 2nd, 2025, 6:03 pm

I have now seen the missing statement and have managed to print it out. As I am finding it pretty well incomprehensible, I'm not sure that helps...

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Re: Message from HMRC


Postby GeoffF100 » January 20th, 2025, 4:26 pm

Barclaycard does that to me every month. I get an email saying that my statement is ready to view. It never is. I have learned to wait a day before logging in. Actually, they may have cleaned their act up. I would never know now.

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Re: Message from HMRC


Postby 1nvest » February 13th, 2025, 8:49 am

GeoffF100 wrote:Barclaycard does that to me every month. I get an email saying that my statement is ready to view. It never is. I have learned to wait a day before logging in. Actually, they may have cleaned their act up. I would never know now.

Help keep your postie employed (I opt for paper statements). Same for (hard) cash, use it or lose it and once lost the monopoly will make you pay.

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