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Does your life flash before your eyes as you die?

Posted: February 23rd, 2022, 5:16 am
by Breelander
Scientists may have an answer....

Scientists have accidentally recorded the most complex human organ as it shuts down - providing an insight into what might happen in the moments before we die. ... s-12549232

Re: Does your life flash before your eyes as you die?

Posted: February 23rd, 2022, 7:49 am
by jackdaww

yes , its happening now .........


Re: Does your life flash before your eyes as you die?

Posted: February 23rd, 2022, 9:46 am
by bungeejumper
I'm a bit surprised that this hasn't happened before. Don't people die all the time with encephalograms hooked up?

Not really the same thing, but I don't need very much telling that the brain does some strange things at critical moments. LOL, I remember coming off a motorbike on black ice, and bouncing along the road into the path of the oncoming traffic, and thinking that this was probably farewell and goodnight Vienna. :| The whole situation can't have lasted more than two or three seconds, but in my head it was ten minutes, and I was monitoring every bounce and how the life-critical situation was developing. Fraid I failed to relive all my memories, though. Sorry about that, family. :D

And now they tell me that the reason you can't swat a fly is that it's living massively more slowly than you, and your half-second swipe gives it a long, long time to plan its escape. :lol: Fascinating.


Re: Does your life flash before your eyes as you die?

Posted: February 23rd, 2022, 10:06 am
by tjh290633
I had a close shave with death when on flying training. My instructor on our second trip in a Meteor put it into a spin, which was a forbidden manoeuvre. He was presumably doing what CFS had taught him, which was to put his foot behind the rudder bar to maximise the effect of losing an engine below safety speed. We were at 25,000 feet. We recovered from the spin, but then he found his foot was stuck and trying to remove it got us into a second spin. I had to do what was required to recover from that spin, and we pulled out of the resultant dive maybe 300 feet above ground level. In the final part of that dive, when it was touch and go whether we made it, I can assure you that my past rapidly went through my brain. We were back at 25,000 feet very quickly, glad to be alive.

I lost a friend, probably due to the same procedure, shortly afterwards.


Re: Does your life flash before your eyes as you die?

Posted: February 23rd, 2022, 11:22 am
by Gerry557
tjh290633 wrote:I had a close shave with death when on flying training. My instructor on our second trip in a Meteor put it into a spin, which was a forbidden manoeuvre. He was presumably doing what CFS had taught him, which was to put his foot behind the rudder bar to maximise the effect of losing an engine below safety speed. We were at 25,000 feet. We recovered from the spin, but then he found his foot was stuck and trying to remove it got us into a second spin. I had to do what was required to recover from that spin, and we pulled out of the resultant dive maybe 300 feet above ground level. In the final part of that dive, when it was touch and go whether we made it, I can assure you that my past rapidly went through my brain. We were back at 25,000 feet very quickly, glad to be alive.

I lost a friend, probably due to the same procedure, shortly afterwards.


Hopefully you got a Good Show Award!

Re: Does your life flash before your eyes as you die?

Posted: February 23rd, 2022, 4:38 pm
by tjh290633
Gerry557 wrote:Hopefully you got a Good Show Award!

Not a chance. However the instructor disappeared not long after. I got a grumpy old Flight Lieutenant who failed to teach me much. The Korean War was coming to an end, so the RAF sent me off to be a Secretarial Officer, helping to run the Married Quarters at an MU.


Re: Does your life flash before your eyes as you die?

Posted: February 26th, 2022, 1:03 pm
bungeejumper wrote:I'm a bit surprised that this hasn't happened before. Don't people die all the time with encephalograms hooked up?

Not really the same thing, but I don't need very much telling that the brain does some strange things at critical moments. LOL, I remember coming off a motorbike on black ice, and bouncing along the road into the path of the oncoming traffic, and thinking that this was probably farewell and goodnight Vienna. :| The whole situation can't have lasted more than two or three seconds, but in my head it was ten minutes, and I was monitoring every bounce and how the life-critical situation was developing. Fraid I failed to relive all my memories, though. Sorry about that, family. :D

And now they tell me that the reason you can't swat a fly is that it's living massively more slowly than you, and your half-second swipe gives it a long, long time to plan its escape. :lol: Fascinating.


I have had the "time slows down as death may be close" situation myself and have always assumed that a surge of adrenaline caused by the stressful situation causes one to think/perceive more quickly and being at 10x speed versus the worlds 1x results in the perception of time slowing down. I think this is different from the brain starting to shut down as one dies which would presumably be the scenario when one is actually dying as opposed to being in danger of a blow that triggers death (a process which in itself may not be instantaneous and could involve flash back which could in turn be subject to the slowing effect)

Personally my experience was very much like yours. I thought as I was spinning at great speed colliding with other vehicles "I expect I am going to die here, I may as well sit back and enjoy the trip" and consequently did. I can still recall that little video in my head all these years later although not as vividly as I once could.

Re: Does your life flash before your eyes as you die?

Posted: February 26th, 2022, 1:49 pm
by NotSure
Hugo Rifking on The Times Radio this morning includes a discussion on this (life flashing before eyes). Unfortunately, the program is 3 hours long, and I cannot determine when this bit occurs.

I too have experienced the time dilation effect, although at no point in the experience did I fear for my life (though it was arguably in danger). I was tearing along on a pushbike, in the dark, with no lights or helmet, when I hit something and flew over the handlebars. I had time while airborne to berate myself for not wearing a helmet (I actually thought "what is about to follow will have been far less unpleasant if I had a helmet on"). My memory may be playing tricks, but even had time to consider whether I needed to head straight to Halfords, or whether I could afford to wait for express delivery from Wiggle. It was very strange!