cinelli wrote:UncleEbenezer wrote:And if it's a poem anyone's heard of, why doesn't google find a match for "that he twirled around his diamond ring finger"?
This is odd because when I do the same search, I
am directed to a relevant website. Have another go.
Nope. Google no doubt knows your tastes, hence taking you there.
However, some major adjustment in expectations got me there. The key was the observation that the somewhat-poetic question "will Zant???? kill poor ..." wasn't. The letters fit a totally unpoetic start "William Zant" (surely more befitting a news report than a poem), which google found for me.
So it turns out the "Nobel Laureate" - hippydom's most total s**t - was the perfect illustration that it's not *just* the "peace prize" that can be a sick joke. And the "poem" turns out to be a piece of ugly hate speech (albeit probably well-deserved) from someone monumentally oblivious to the irony of calling out a man's abuse of a woman after his own treatment of Joan Baez.
Anything featuring proper names is likely to be problematic. Unless perhaps a classical name: my first thought was that Zant might be from the root Xanthe, though the later words belied the notion that she might kill poor anyone for unrequited love.
Anyway, having vented about that, one more for you. No proper names, of course, but I hope it'll prove a worthy challenge.