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Twitter endeavours

Posted: February 10th, 2017, 1:59 pm
by odysseus2000

@SJosephBurns ‬Tweeted:

Twitter makes us want to have drinks with people we don't know. Facebook makes us drink because of the people we do know. #TwitterSmarter

Kind of thought it was apt, but should have included Facebook share holders can afford the booze whilst Twitter holders can't. The relative performance of these social media shares is very different and no amount of Twitter use by the US president makes a difference to its share price.

Twitter remains the glue that holds together much of social media land yet seems incapable of monetising it.

It is a very strange state of affairs, one that I don't recall in such a high exposure business, that I feel must end with someone taking them over, but although there has been interest all deals have fallen through.

If you could buy Twitter, would you? and what would you do with it if you did?


Re: Twitter endeavours

Posted: February 10th, 2017, 2:10 pm
by PeterGray
The quote is great - and made me laugh. My only problem with it is that it's the exact reverse of my experience!