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Money observer magazine to close

Posted: July 23rd, 2020, 1:22 pm
by G3lc
I have in the past found it useful for the IT data pages.

Re: Money observer magazine to close

Posted: July 23rd, 2020, 6:13 pm
by EmptyGlass
Various columns & columnists have stated they will continue their articles and commentary on the Interactive Investor website. So not a total loss.

Re: Money observer magazine to close

Posted: August 3rd, 2020, 12:16 am
by NoBidNoOffer
I never bought the magazine but I frequented the website daily for the article and data. I am missing the funds data which was so simple and easy to use. I can't believe they have gotten rid of it as it's not anywhere to be found on on interactive investor.

Re: Money observer magazine to close

Posted: August 3rd, 2020, 6:28 am
by Urbandreamer
I am / was a subscriber and believe that they are currently intending to charge for the digital version, if you don't have an account with II.

In many ways, what's happening here, is what happened with Shares mag, which I use to subscribe to.

It's offered free to account holders (Shares with A J Bell, MO with II).
Then the costs and circulation of the print version gets seen as an issue.
The print version is dropped. (Shares offered a digital only subscription at that point as MO are now doing).
Finally, or at least in the case of Shares mag, the content suffers a quality cut.

It's been a while since I read Shares, but given that experience, I won't be paying for digital access to MO.

It's a real shame. I do think that it was a great mag and as has been said the quick tables were a wonderful resource.

I also vastly prefer reading a print copy, rather than trying to cope using my phone as I have to do when the postman fails to deliver the IC until the next week.