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Venus phosphine corroboration

Scientific discovery and discussion
Lemon Half
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Venus phosphine corroboration


Postby ursaminortaur » August 30th, 2024, 11:10 am

Although the latest research is still to be peer reviewed there appears to be confirmation for the discovery of phosphine in the clouds of Venus.

Four years after the discovery of phosphine in the clouds around Venus prompted excitement – and also scepticism – there is now new confirmation of the chemical that might signal the presence of life on the planet. These preliminary findings suggest that there might be life – or at the very least new chemistry – in the extreme environment of Venus, a planet shrouded by clouds of sulfuric acid and with a surface hot enough to melt lead.

A team led by Dave Clements, a reader in astrophysics at Imperial College London, announced initial findings at a special session of the National Astronomy Meeting in the UK in July. They are yet to be peer reviewed and are based on a tremendous amount of new data since the initial discovery of phosphine in 2020. The researchers have not only found phosphine (PH3) in Venus’s atmosphere once more, but also ammonia (NH3) at parts per billion deeper down in the clouds.

It means that there is some way in which hydrogen compounds are being produced in the atmosphere of Venus where they shouldn’t be expected,’ Clements tells Chemistry World. ‘We can’t say at this point whether it means life or not.’ But his best guess is there is a 10–20% chance that it’s life and an 80–90% chance that it’s chemistry that scientists don’t yet understand.

Whatever process is responsible for producing these chemicals it must be continuously synthesising them. ‘Phosphine does not survive in the atmosphere for very long, so there has to be something actively producing it,’ Clements notes. ‘The same is almost certainly true for ammonia.’

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Venus phosphine corroboration


Postby JohnB » August 30th, 2024, 11:29 am

I've known Dave for 30 years, and he's an excellent scientist. The team have seen off multiple challenges to their proposal.

Lemon Half
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Re: Venus phosphine corroboration


Postby odysseus2000 » August 30th, 2024, 12:32 pm

Interesting research.

Presumably from a knowledge of the components of the atmosphere of the hottest planet in the solar system one could run simulations to see if there are any ways to make ammonia which is NH3. The simulations would have to both take account of known chemistry & also the effects of cosmic rays on carbon making nitrogen 14, assuming there is carbon in the atmosphere which seems very likely. There are also lots of protons in the cosmic rays to create a supply of hydrogen.


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