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If You Ever Feel Like a Loser

Posted: April 18th, 2024, 6:41 pm
by WickedLester
A thought occurred to me when talking to an acquaintance in the pub a few years ago who was feeling sorry for himself.

If you ever feel like a loser consider that the reason you're alive is because your genes have brought something to the table of evolution ever since the first single celled life evolved from ammonia or whatever millions of years ago (that is if you believe in evolution) and what they bring is exactly the same as every other person alive in that moment.

That's not allegorical by the way if you're considering some of my recent posts. I don't feel like a loser, although I am nearly 52 and childless so maybe I am. But I'm still hopeful.

Re: If You Ever Feel Like a Loser

Posted: April 18th, 2024, 6:53 pm
by Lootman
Or as my mother used to say:

"Everyone had a useful purpose in life, even if only to serve as a horrible example for others".