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Re: Yellow Toenail Fungus

Posted: May 24th, 2022, 5:48 pm
by JuanDB
Others have mentioned iodine applied to the affected area. I would suggest taking iodine orally. Most people with a typical western diet are iodine deficient and the benefits of supplementing with it are broad ranging.

Kills fungal and bacterial loads, such are fungal nail
Improves thyroid function
Helps manages weight
Kills intestinal parasites such as tapeworms
Improves cognitive function
Aids liver and other organ detox of mercury, halides, aluminium, lead etc

I was suggested to take iodine due to a tapeworm which it dealt with in a very demonstrable fashion. I also noticed persistent fungal nail infection quickly cleared up as well.

Metabolics sell a product for around £15 that you can buy on Amazon. 3-4 drops in water twice a day for a couple of weeks will do the job.

Re: Yellow Toenail Fungus

Posted: December 26th, 2022, 1:25 pm
by look
don't use alkaline products to clean the feet, they are good for fungi.
clean the feet with apple vinegar. (75% water, 25% apple vinegar)

Re: Yellow Toenail Fungus

Posted: December 26th, 2022, 6:19 pm
by dylan
Having had and treated this in the past with tea-tree oil I found the key was to drill [carefully] by hand with a twist drill though the nail centrally and soak the space between nail and nailbed.

Re: Yellow Toenail Fungus

Posted: December 29th, 2022, 6:11 pm
by Moosehoosenew
From experience over a number of years there are dozens of quack and expansive treatments.

Finally rid myself of it by taking a course of I think Terbanafine, slight liver damage risk, so they may offer a test during approx 10 week course.

Took at least 6 months for toes to grow out clear, course of tablets was only 10 weeks.

GP advised if happy to live with it, live with it.

As far as I am concerned the rest of the possible cures a waste of time and money.