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attending AGMs

Posted: April 6th, 2023, 2:27 pm
by bluedonkey
What are your experiences of attending an AGM but without prior notice to the company? I realise that this would almost certainly prevent voting or speaking at the meeting but is it likely I would be turned away? Let's say I turn up wearing a suit and tie rather than jeans and a t-shirt!

It just seems a bit of hassle to arrange matters completely legitimately via my SIPP or ISA holdings.

Re: attending AGMs

Posted: April 6th, 2023, 2:49 pm
by XFool
...I still remember the time I turned up for an AGM just next to the BoE, in the City, a long time ago now, I seemed to be the only member of 'the public' present and expressed some surprise... We sat around the board room table, the chairman (boss of Scottish Power if I remember) and the senior executives, the head honcho just asked me if I was a shareholder, to which I replied "Yes". The other people were the usual bevy of City People all dressed formally in dark suits and me - I think they found it rather amusing. I found it embarrassing...

But don't let me put you off. :)

Re: attending AGMs

Posted: April 6th, 2023, 4:31 pm
by mc2fool
bluedonkey wrote:What are your experiences of attending an AGM but without prior notice to the company? I realise that this would almost certainly prevent voting or speaking at the meeting but is it likely I would be turned away?

Yeah, you and the other homeless and bag people. :D Of course, you could be really cheeky and turn up an hour "late" and just go in straight for the drinks and canapés and skip all the boring presentations etc.... ;)

bluedonkey wrote:It just seems a bit of hassle to arrange matters completely legitimately via my SIPP or ISA holdings.

Who is your broker?

Re: attending AGMs

Posted: April 6th, 2023, 4:56 pm
by Dod101
I would be inclined to get your accreditation lined up. In these days of high security they are not so keen to take all waifs and strays who just turn up. You would have a decent chance with an IT as they are more into individuals and a call to the Company Secretary would probably do the trick. But II have got it pretty well sussed I think so give them a call.

I attend the Alliance Trust AGM as I live within reasonable distance of its location and hold a few (very few) shares in certificated form. That gives me the attendance card that I need just to turn up. Attending the Unilever and HSBC AGMs I suspect might be more difficult. Again I hold certificated shares so have the attendance card. They are fairly strict as far as I could see, but given the bolshie young ladies who attend on behalf of the Greens or equivalent I find it difficult to see their problem with a respectable looking gent. (Security rules excepted)


Re: attending AGMs

Posted: April 6th, 2023, 5:39 pm
by bluedonkey
Thanks all.

I think I will contact the Company Secretary beforehand, make sure I look like a City type (not hard, I used to be one!) and take some photo ID.

Re: attending AGMs

Posted: April 6th, 2023, 5:48 pm
by mc2fool
bluedonkey wrote:Thanks all.

I think I will contact the Company Secretary beforehand, make sure I look like a City type (not hard, I used to be one!) and take some photo ID.

If you're going to do that why not do it through your broker? Of course, it depends on who your broker is, with some it's easier than others....

Re: attending AGMs

Posted: April 7th, 2023, 12:05 am
by gryffron
Most brokers are really good at this. And will supply an agm invite showing your shareholding just for the asking. I believe it is a legal requirement that pooled nominee account must let you vote and attend agms. Though some people here have reported difficulties with the very cheap iWeb/hsdl/Lloyds. You get what you pay for.

I think just turning up is unlikely to work for most plc’s these days due to security concerns.


Re: attending AGMs

Posted: April 7th, 2023, 12:25 am
by mc2fool
gryffron wrote:Most brokers are really good at this. And will supply an agm invite showing your shareholding just for the asking. I believe it is a legal requirement that pooled nominee account must let you vote and attend agms. Though some people here have reported difficulties with the very cheap iWeb/hsdl/Lloyds. You get what you pay for.

I've had no difficulty with iWeb in this and don't recall reading any such reports here, although they are rather quaint in doing it by post.