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Favicon icon

Posted: November 5th, 2016, 9:10 pm
by stockcube
Not sure where else to post this.....

DAK if our lovely new hosts can put a Favicon icon in this website so it looks nice on my (and everyone elses) browser bookmark toolbar. I display the icons only and currently I have an empty box.

I dunno.... you save the Fool and still people aren't happy ;-)


Great w*rk all.

Regards Ian.

Re: Favicon icon

Posted: November 6th, 2016, 4:29 pm
by Slarti
In Firefox there is which is supposed to let you add from a large selection of icons

Re: Favicon icon

Posted: November 6th, 2016, 4:43 pm
by WessexMario
I can recommend this site to generate [all?] the required formats for favicons:

you just need to submit a large square image and it'll reformat into the necessary sizes and produce the images and code required.

Re: Favicon icon

Posted: November 7th, 2016, 8:24 am
by stockcube
Slarti wrote:In Firefox there is ... on-images/ which is supposed to let you add from a large selection of icons

Thankyou Slarti - this did the trick :)