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PYADstrategy devised by UK investor, Stephen Bland.

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PYADstrategy devised by UK investor, Stephen Bland.


Postby cshfool2 » January 30th, 2025, 10:41 am

From the stockopedia website:

PYAD is a value and dividend income strategy devised by UK investor and writer, Stephen Bland. It focuses on finding value stocks with relatively high yields and no debt. PYAD is the acronym for the strategy's four filters, which include the Price to Earnings ratio, Yield, Assets (Price to Book Value) and Debt. Specifically, the strategy looks for companies with a Price to Earnings ratio of two-thirds that of the market and a Yield that is 50% above the market average.

Stephen Bland says: "My principal aim in this was firstly to minimise the downside before I considered any trading upside to a share. I knew it wouldn't work in every case, there was bound to be the odd failure, but I reckoned that overall it would perform well. I was right and it did, producing handsome returns over the years." The PYAD strategy became well followed by Motley Fool readers.

I have to say my failing memory has more about rising EPS however possibly this is somewhere to start.

P / E TTM < 0.66 x P / E TTM Median
P / B Latest < 1
Net Debt Latest <= 0
Yield TTM > 0 x Yield TTM Median%
Industry Grp not in "Collective Investments"
Sort by Stock Rank

first few by stock ranks are : TCAP, LIV, HSBA, NXQ....22 entries as of today.

hope it helps, CSH

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Re: PYADstrategy devised by UK investor, Stephen Bland.


Postby Boots » January 30th, 2025, 11:44 am

"Yield TTM > 0 x Yield TTM Median%"

Should that be "Yield TTM > 1.5 x Yield TTM Median%"?

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Re: PYADstrategy devised by UK investor, Stephen Bland.


Postby MrFoolish » January 30th, 2025, 12:56 pm

cshfool2 wrote: Stephen Bland says: "My principal aim in this was firstly to minimise the downside before I considered any trading upside to a share. I knew it wouldn't work in every case, there was bound to be the odd failure, but I reckoned that overall it would perform well. I was right and it did, producing handsome returns over the years."

"I knew it wouldn't work in every case, there was bound to be the odd failure". What does he mean by "every case"... every share or every portfolio. It is somewhat ambiguous IMO.

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Re: PYADstrategy devised by UK investor, Stephen Bland.


Postby cshfool2 » January 30th, 2025, 1:25 pm

"Yield TTM > 0 x Yield TTM Median%"

Should that be "Yield TTM > 1.5 x Yield TTM Median%"?

Yes it should be > 1.5, apologies I was having a look at options and modified that one.


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