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Middle of the Road Global Growth Investments

General discussions about growth strategies which focus primarily on investing for capital growth
Lemon Quarter
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Middle of the Road Global Growth Investments


Postby scotia » July 3rd, 2024, 1:24 pm

I am in the fortunate position of not requiring Income from my portfolio, so have avoided Funds/ITs/ETFs which are Income biased. Hence the core of my portfolio has been built around Middle of the Road Global Growth investments. I have recently had a look at these over 5 years.
Starting with managed investments, I chose Fundsmith Equity and Lindsell Train Global Equity (OEICS) along with F&C Investment Trust and Alliance Investment Trust. Later I added global indexed ETFs - Vanguard All World, and Vanguard Developed World - All with Hargreaves Lansdown. With growing old age, I chose Fisher to take over part of my portfolio with their Purisima GTR B OEIC. Here are the 5 year Total Returns (from Hargreaves Lansdown) from these investments

Lindsell Train Global is the obvious outlier. I was aware that it had fallen behind - but not this far. I have reduced my investments, and will keep watch over the remainder.
Fundsmith and F&C IT have both fallen behind a tracker , while Alliance has kept up with an all world tracker. I'll probably leave these alone, but future new investments will be in global trackers.
Purisima - has certainly has done very well - Why? Since Fisher is USA based, maybe it is over-weight in the USA . An S&P 500 tracker (CSP1) had a 96.52% total return and a Nasdaq tracker (CNX1) had a 159.4% total return, both over 5 years. So here is a list of %age investment in the USA

There is certainly some correlation - it probably helped Purisima, and hindered Lindsell Train.
PS - i have checked the numbers, but let me know if you see any errors

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Middle of the Road Global Growth Investments


Postby DrFfybes » July 3rd, 2024, 1:36 pm

Is the Fisher figure after their fee, or have you sidestepped that? Either way it is a pretty good performance.

A friend uses them and when we last looked their return was about the same as the Vanguard ETF after fees, ut I don't know what product he uses.


Lemon Quarter
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Re: Middle of the Road Global Growth Investments


Postby scotia » July 3rd, 2024, 4:30 pm

DrFfybes wrote:Is the Fisher figure after their fee, or have you sidestepped that? Either way it is a pretty good performance.

A friend uses them and when we last looked their return was about the same as the Vanguard ETF after fees, ut I don't know what product he uses.


I have (Fisher) Purisima GTR B in an ISA account with Raymond James. We (wife and self) were first contacted (at my request) by a Fisher representative in the UK. He took several visits to check out our suitability, and at no stage did he attempt to push us into purchasing the Fisher product. We transferred part of our existing ISAs from Hargreaves Lansdown - chiefly in specie - to Raymond James where they were sold, and re-invested into Purisima GTR B. The figures I quoted will not included the transfer costs, nor will it contain the initial Fisher fee of around 1.5%.
Thereafter, there is an annual fee of around 1.5% which is included in the Purisima GTR B price (just like there is an annual fee of around 1% for Fundsmith). These internal fees should be included in the total return as quoted. There is also a platform fee of around 0.2% per annum (Raymond James) which will not be included (nor will the 0.45% platform fee for Fundsmith in Hargreaves Lansdown).
When we first invested in Fisher (over 4 years ago) our intention was to leave it alone, unless there was some significant problem. We would have been happy with a global average - and it certainly has exceeded that, and consequently it has remained untouched. Like all investments there will be ups and downs. But I think (or hope) that the Fisher investments, which are primarily in Global Large Cap companies, should be reasonably stable.
And I can go for thrills and spills with my other investments in Hargreaves Lansdown - Scottish Mortgage comes to mind :)

Lemon Slice
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Re: Middle of the Road Global Growth Investments


Postby clissold345 » July 3rd, 2024, 5:26 pm

Purisima GTR B is expensive (initial fee, annual fee, platform fee) but it's done very well over five years.

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