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Have you had covid yet?

The home for all non-political Coronavirus (Covid-19) discussions on The Lemon Fool
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This is the home for all non-political Coronavirus (Covid-19) discussions on The Lemon Fool

Have you had covid yet? If so how many times. Choose two options

Yes tested positive and had symptoms
Tested positive no symptoms
Had covid-like symptoms but not tested
No symptoms that could have been covid
Had covid more than 4 times
4 times
No votes
3 times
2 times
Total votes: 76

Lemon Half
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Have you had covid yet?


Postby redsturgeon » January 3rd, 2023, 1:50 pm

Mrs RS and I, having avoid the dreaded covid for nearly three years, finally succumbed over Xmas.
In both cases it was mild and in my case milder than a bad cold through with distinctly different symptoms.
Over the course of four days I had the following symptoms, in rough chronological order.
Mild fever for one night
Mild joint pain.
Some fatigue and sweatiness on slight exertion.
Visual disturbances (flashing lights, some multi-coloured. Some swirling shadowy shapes when eyes closed.)
Slight stomach discomfort
Mild headache
Sore throat
Heart palpitations.
Mucus production.

Sounds a lot but not really too onerous.

I am interested how many have now had the thing.

Lemon Half
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Re: Have you had covid yet?


Postby pje16 » January 3rd, 2023, 2:52 pm

I had it last April
Severe brain fog for one day
and a slightly sore throat for 3 days
would not have known it was Covid except for the fact I tested positive

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Re: Have you had covid yet?


Postby swill453 » January 3rd, 2023, 3:24 pm

Currently going through 2nd bout of Covid. Extremely mild, only a rough throat and a runny nose. Tested positive on 29th Dec and 1st Jan, going to test again tomorrow and hopefully it will be gone.

Wore a mask for the first time in ages when near my elderly parents.


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Re: Have you had covid yet?


Postby gadjet » January 3rd, 2023, 4:13 pm

After son visited us he tested positive at his work so phoned us and said we must test (OH and self).We both were positive.
I had no symptoms, OH sneezed a lot like having a cold. We were both negative after 5 days.
This was about 3 months ago. Nothing since then.

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Re: Have you had covid yet?


Postby daveh » January 3rd, 2023, 5:20 pm

I said had COVID symptoms, but not tested. However they were extremely mild. I went to Edinburgh with my elderly Mum and spent the day at the National Museum of Scotland (I'd recommend a visit or three). I started sneezing a lot and developed sore eyes, a bit like hay fever, and thought I'd come across something I was allergic to. I was sneezy, had sore eyes and a runny (but not blocked) nose for a few days (again a bit like hay fever). That was it symptoms wise. My Mum came down with a cold a few days later when she got home. Not sure if it was COVID, but the ZOE app suggested they were common symptoms for people fully vaccinated.

Interestingly since COVID appeared in 2020 I've had no real symptoms of a respiratory infection. My last "cold" was early 2020 when colleagues came back from an Alzheimer's conference in Washington DC, one with cold symptoms and one with what would now be called classic COVID symptoms, this was before there was any testing so we have no idea what the respiratory infection was.

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Re: Have you had covid yet?


Postby Tedx » January 3rd, 2023, 5:25 pm

Had it just after last Christmas. 3 days of feeling a bit rough, but still able to potter around in the garden (clearing debris and fixing stuff post Arwen). The subsequent 7 days of testing positive but I didn't even notice that I had it. Maybe it was the cold fresh January air.

The wife never tested positive during the whole time.

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Re: Have you had covid yet?


Postby Julian » January 4th, 2023, 5:42 pm

I tested positive for the first time on Monday. I woke up the day before (Sunday - New Year’s day) feeling a bit rough. Had I drunk more on NYE I might have put it down to a hangover since the primary symptoms were a moderate headache and mild nausea, admittedly plus a mild sore throat and even milder ear ache that didn’t fit with a hangover. I might have had a mild fever for a few hours after waking up as well. I stayed in bed until about 9pm that day and then got up, had something to eat, watched a bit of TV and from that point on have felt 100% healthy.

I’m not sure I would have even considered Covid in normal circumstances especially given the ear ache which is something that would have had me thinking a cold but I was supposed to have relatives arriving on Tuesday to stay with me for the week and I felt that if there was even the slightest chance that I was positive I should test to make sure that I wasn’t. That was my thought as I did the test, “I’m doing due diligence to confirm that I’m negative”, so I was very surprised when I got such a definite positive. I’d say the “T” line was brighter and more solid than the “C” line on the test. I just tested again a few minutes ago and the test is still fully positive, nothing faint or ambiguous about the “T” line even today yet I still feel 100% fine.

Apart from my relatives having to make alternative arrangements and all the social engagements that I am missing(*) I’m actually relieved in a way to finally, after almost 3 years of pandemic, have a positive test. One day in bed and a few missed social events seems to me to be a fairly small price to pay in return for knowing for sure (or at least within the confidence intervals of the tests) that in addition to vaccination I have now had at least one natural infection that I hope will further strengthen and broaden my immune response particularly wrt severe illness. I like the fact that I now know that I have been exposed to more than just the spike protein.

- Julian

(*) I hope my isolation won’t go on too long. With the strain on the NHS I really don’t want to take even the slightest risk of infecting anyone who might be vulnerable so I am not following any isolate-for-5-days guidelines which many of my friends seem to think is protocol now but am instead isolating until I get a negative test 2 days in a row. I think current NHS info is that can take up to 10 days but I’m hoping that due to the now complete absence of symptoms I might clear the virus a few days sooner than that.

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Re: Have you had covid yet?


Postby swill453 » January 4th, 2023, 5:49 pm

Julian wrote:(*) I hope my isolation won’t go on too long. With the strain on the NHS I really don’t want to take even the slightest risk of infecting anyone who might be vulnerable so I am not following any isolate-for-5-days guidelines which many of my friends seem to think is protocol now but am instead isolating until I get a negative test 2 days in a row. I think current NHS info is that can take up to 10 days but I’m hoping that due to the now complete absence of symptoms I might clear the virus a few days sooner than that.

The "guidelines" (or lack of them) wouldn't have you isolating at all. Common sense might dictate otherwise.


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