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Affinity Software Discounted Offer

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Affinity Software Discounted Offer


Postby fuiseog » October 10th, 2019, 10:59 am

I've been hovering over the buy button for Affinity for some time, more because of the time it could take me to get up to speed than the price. It's considered an alternative to subscription-based Photoshop. I've read a lot of reviews which in the main seem very positive. I thought I'd give it a try when they came out with this £23.99 offer. ... ck---34048

Clicking the green "Save 50% on Affinity Photo" links through to the Affinity site.

There are some good youtube introductory videos for new users. I can't recommend Affinity as my limited knowledge is secondhand, so please DYOR. Maybe in a couple of months?

Maybe there are some users here?


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Re: Affinity Software Discounted Offer


Postby Lanark » October 10th, 2019, 6:31 pm

I tried it and I hated it, its just impossibly difficult and counter intuitive to use, I don't have Photoshop so cant really compare with that, but Pixelmator is about 1000 times easier to use and is cheaper to boot.

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Re: Affinity Software Discounted Offer


Postby staffordian » October 10th, 2019, 7:25 pm

As an old tightwad, I think GIMP is great, and, of course, free.

A bit of a learning curve, but from the point of view of this amateur user, it's as powerful as Photoshop and there are loads of YouTube tutorials covering most operations I've ever needed it for.

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Re: Affinity Software Discounted Offer


Postby eepee » October 11th, 2019, 11:33 am

I have used GIMP in the past some years ago and, as suggested, it is the interface that is a bit of a pig.

However someone told me not long ago that it is possible to make it 'look and feel' like Photoshop.

Anybody know if this is true?


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